

Enabling dispute resolution through mediation and collaborative legal practise in family law and other legal disputes.

Roger Cann is a qualified mediator and family dispute resolution practitioner with thousands of hours experience in assisting parties to negotiate agreements and avoid unnecessary, expensive and traumatising legal proceedings. Formal legal proceedings often result in the main parties feeling sidelined and unable to participate in any significant way. Participation in Court proceedings are usually very structured and controlled with the result that the main parties are denied an opportunity to address what really matters to them and or to play any significant role in the conduct of the proceedings.

Roger provides an impartial and supportive environment for parties to resolve disputes by finding solutions of their own making.  We are able to provide mediations for represented or  unrepresented parties at our offices which are well set up for small or larger mediations or at any other external venue.

Roger is an accredited family dispute resolution practitioner and is able to provide mediations on parenting and property issues and to issue mediation certificates to parties who may need to issue proceedings in Court.

Roger is experienced in other forms of dispute resolution such as collaborative law. This process involves the parties and their lawyers agreeing to resolve disputes outside of a Court context. It is a specialised process requiring care and expertise with the aim of empowering the parties to work together to find a solution that meets the needs of both parties rather than creating a winner and a loser.


Providing expert advice and professional services through our team of lawyers, paralegals and support staff.


Finding strategic direction, innovation and solutions grounded in years of experience.


Building trust through care, confidentiality and focussing on the needs of our clients.

Are you looking for someone to help?

Let us help you!
Call : 03 6425 3334 Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm


Are you looking for someone to help?

Let us help you! Call Now : 03 6425 3334

·  Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm

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